PMS Automech Racing Team Raih Tempat Ke-5!

Politeknik Muadzam Shah telah berjaya mencatat kedudukan di tempat ke-5 dari 36 jentera yang dipertandingkan merangkumi 24 institusi pendidikan IPTA dan IPTS seluruh Malaysia.

Pelajar Politeknik Muadzam Shah Cipta E-Tajwid Untuk Android!

Boleh dikatakan terdapat pelbagai aplikasi bercorak pembelajaran agama untuk para pengguna Android, dan salah satunya adalah aplikasi E-Tajwid untuk Android.

Pekan Sungai Lembing Bakal Bandar Pelancongan!

"Pekan Sungai Lembing Bakal Bandar Pelancongan" berjaya memasuki ruangan Berita Harian pada 22 Mac 2013 yang lalu.

Program Imam Muda Musim 1 Politeknik Muadzam Shah!

Sekalung tahniah kepada penganjur program yang begitu bermanfaat ini.

Malam Sejuta Bintang PMS Berlangsung Meriah!

Malam Sejuta Bintang Berlangsung Meriah

Showing posts with label adjective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adjective. Show all posts

Betol-betol Hangat! Hari Ke-2 Bengkel Asas Multimedia dan Project Management

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

12hb Mei 2011 - Semalam selesai sesi pertama bengkel..secara ringkasnya, kursus agak membosankan..penceramah agak xpandai nak amik perhatian student nya..maka xhairanlah kalau lecturer mengajar ramai student yang gagal..tapi ape pun aku mengharapkan mereka perbaiki mutu penyampaian..seringkali kita disogokkan dengan informasi yang kadang-kadang berguna..tidak kurang juga yang x guna..bila mana kita diberikan sesuatu ilmu namun kita tak faham disamping penyampaian isi yang lemah..maka jadilah lain yang disuruh lain yang dibuatnya..

Aku kalau bab komputer sangat aku ambil berat..subjek yang amat ku minati selain Bahasa kalau ada mana-mana kursus yang menganjurkan kursus berkaitan dengan komputer aku tak kan terlepas peluang untuk menyertainya..dan salah satunya adalah kursus/ bengkel asas ini..Bengkel Asas?dengar nama je pun ape yang diajarnya sangat basic dan xlangsung mencabar..aku sukakan cabaran..kalau dia suh wat script..dah tentu aku ajar cara nak potong lagi, combine, join lagu dan turunkan pitch..sangat mudah untuk kepala otak aku berfikir..bukan nak meninggi diri..tapi bila otak kita sering disogokkan ngan perkara yang tak perlu kita fikir..pengetahuan kita tak kan meniti kemajuan..

Aku sukakan ngan kehadiran beberapa lapisan masyarakat yang datang ke bengkel ini..ada yang dah berumur..whis is good for them.. zaman sekarang kalau anda lambat anda tak kan mampu bersaing ngan manusia lain..zaman komputer, zaman dunia tanpa sempadan..anda tak tahu, anda gagal..hari ni expectation aku sangat tinggi..harapan dan tujuan sangat aku amik kira..dan apa yang aku harapkan dari bengkel ini adalah ilmu yang leh wat aku berfikir secara matang dan gunakan kepintaran yang Allah SWT untuk menjawab soalan-soalan bengkel please wake up..please give me something big..i need more from you..
Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! Hari Ke-2 Bengkel Asas Multimedia dan Project Management

Betol-betol Hangat! Bengkel Asas Multimedia dan Project Management dah habis

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

12 hb Mei 2011 - Akhirnya kursus telah berjaya dihabiskan..walaupun kursus ini tidaklah berjaya sepenuhnya..maksud aku..ini lah yang dikatakan perbezaan antara penceramah yang betul ngan pensyarah yang tak boleh bagi ceramah dengan baik..maksud ceramah disini bukan ceramah agama yer...

Kursus pagi tadi merupakan kursus yang sangat ketinggalan zaman..bukan nak hentam sesiapa..tapi boleh lah..mungkin ada sesiapa yang xtau lagi sal Movie Maker kan..tu sbb kursus tu dibuat..tapi sebenarnya nak bantu staff yang masih xde kursus..kang tak pasal-pasal x sampai 10 hari berkursus setahun.

Oleh sebab keadaan yang sangat mengizinkan..dibantu dengan penceramah yang bagi talk kursus pagi tadi pon habis ngan kursus untuk petang ni xde la..sbb kursus utk petang dibawa ke depan masuk ke sesi dah habis..dan dapatlah kursus 2 hari walaupun kalau dikira xsampai pon 2 hari..

Sedikit ulasan tentang kursus tadi..pagi tadi agak mudah dan sangat mudah..pada sesiapa yang tak tahu tentang Movie Maker diharap pegilah kursus yer..kalau xnak guna Movie Maker pon buatlah kat Powerpoint..lagi mudah...Kursus seterusnya membawa tajuk Frontpage..1 lagi kursus yang sangat2 ketinggalan zaman..1 yang aku paling fed-up komputer yang aku guna tadi sangat sengal..xleh nak save...dah banyak page aku wat tetiba close sndri..pastu aku dah malas..terus aku diam dan berFB dalam kelas...

Harap kursus yang akan datang akan lebih baik dari kursus yang baru lalu ni..k..usaha lagi yer ULPL dan JMSK..
Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! Bengkel Asas Multimedia dan Project Management dah habis

Betol-betol Hangat! Jom belajar Phonetic with Phonemic Chart

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

12hb Mei 2011 - Kepada sesape yang pegi mana-mana kursus BI..mesti korang akan jumpe ngan  simbol-simbol phonetic kan..ngan phonetic ni..kita akan dapat sebut perkataan (dalam BI) ngan sebutan yang betul dan tepat..sebagai contoh kalau orang yang xtahu akan law penuturan sesuatu perkataan ngan betol dia akan sebut dan cakap ikut sedap mulut jew..macam tadi aku g kursus..terdapat beberapa perkataan yang digunakan dalam BI masa kursus tu..antaranya SELECT dan TRANSITION..tapi sebab konon dah hebat cakap BI dan dah biasa maka kesilapan biasa telah mereka lakukan..

SELECT disebut Say lek

TRANSITION disebut Transaction/ Transation

So, untuk membantu anda dalam penghasilan sebutan yang tepat..sila berkunjung ke laman web ini yer..sebuah laman yang mengajar kita tentang sebutan mengikut simbol phonetic yang betul dan tepat..Teaching English | Phonemic Chart.

Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! Jom belajar Phonetic with Phonemic Chart

Betol-betol Hangat! Kursus Grammar for better Communication and Writing

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

3rd – 6th 2011 - Mmmmmm..What should I say ehhh? Hi, to all of you..mesti korang tertunggu-tunggu kan post ni..upsss..Azri aka Mr. Attitude..English please…

 GARDENIA enak dimakan begaytohhh sajoooo

What do we have to do to improve our skills of writing? How to communicate fluently? How to use the Simple Present Tense, Continuous Tense, the Past Tense, the Present Perfect Tense, Future Tense, Past Participle Tense etc.

Basically, the word tense means TIME. That’s why the tenses family are there. I have attended he course handed by Ms. Alby Ibrahim weeks ago. Just like other teacher, Ms. Alby Ibrahim also gives her best for students. Maka nya itu..“Lain orang lain caranya”.

 Ms. Alby an Mr. Attitude

Why are correct communications and writing skills so important?

Did you know that written language is different from spoken language, where you have such things as tone of voice, feedback, and body language to help get your message across? 
Good writing depends on getting your grammar and punctuation correct.  Grammar and punctuation are the body language of writing.   People judge you by what you write. 
These are some of the reasons you need good writing skills:
  1. English is the accepted language for business communication world-wide.
  2. Your thoughts need to be understood the first time around by those reading your:
    • telephone messages
    • emails
    • memos and business letters
    • sales reports
    • instruction manuals
    • websites 
  3.  Mastery of these skills will save you time, and give you:
    • better self-expression
    • confidence
    • more respect
    • better prospects for your company
    • greatly increased chance of success in your career

Use Standard English to communicate effectively in your work. You will achieve a better understanding of Basic English grammar and English sentence construction.

At this program, you will:
-         - understand the importance of using standard English in business writing
-         - gain an understanding of various aspects of standard English
-         - be able to correct common errors in written English
-         - be able to use standard English in business correspondence and reports


-   Importance of Writing in Standard English
-   Elements of a Proper English Sentence
-   Types of Nouns and their Common Errors
-   Pronouns
-   Articles
-   Adjectives
-   Verbs and Tenses
-   Phrasal Verb
-   Prepositions
-   Questions
-   Passive Voice
-   Combining Messages

Learning Features:
To monitor the effectiveness of this programme; a pre- and post-test will be given at the start and end of this programme to evaluate your understanding of the topics covered. Ni yang kitorang asyik gagal je ni…dah diberikan jawapan pon masih lupa.

For whom:
Administrative staff and others who want to improve their use of standard English in their written communication.
What we have learned?

Mind Your Spellings and Lettering
Always remember to perform a spell-check before you roll out your document.  You must proofread the document yourself or have someone else do it for spelling mistakes and accuracy. Most common mistakes are using correctly spelled words you did not intend to use and have a different meaning all together. For example: Affect/effect, capitol/capital, farther/further, Everyday/ Every day, U/ You; are among the most commonly misused words that can change the entire meaning of the communication. Bab ni aku kene marah ngan Ms. Alby sebab dalam pre-test aku guna “u” as “you”..tu sebab banyak salah..

Complete your Sentences
Complete sentences contain a subject and a verb and one should never make the mistake of splitting the two in half. It simply means that you should not use “periods” where “commas” can do the trick. Kadang-kadang ada yang tak tau macam mana nak habiskan ayat tu sampai berjela-jela panjangnya..pastu sokmo ada kesilapan dari segi singular dan plural..ada “s” atau xperlu..mane nak letak is, are, they, was, were dan sebagainya..

Now let see what we’ve learnt from the course. I’m not really good in English actually. But I really like to try something new. We’ve been given the Introduction and briefing in the evening session about the task. Since then, we have to use the English language to encourage our self-confidence to communicate using the language.

This is some of the simple question (The Present Continuous Tense):

Decide if the sentences below mistakes. Change the form of the verb where necessary.

1. Is Mariam preferring the second option?
The answer: DOES Mariam PREFER the second option?
2. We're not liking the new computer system.
The answer: We don't like the new computer system.
3. The company grew rapidly in recent years.
The answer: The sentence is correct.

The Second day
We’ve been given more tasks. Begin with the nouns, adjectives, the verbs, how to use: is, are, they, was, were etc, and the best part of the day was actually The Stonecutter’s activities. Teacher gave us the dialogue and we have to practice and then come in front of the audience to act out and produce our own  group version of The Stonecutter. At first, I chose to be the Stonecutter. But then, due to creativity wise, we decide to change the roles.  I’m the Narrator #1, which I think this is the best part for me. Ms. Alby told us to put the expression and intonations on the dialogue. Because of that, I’m going to do my best to keep the Narrator #1 character alive. Guess what!!! I’m the best narrator for the class because my voice has the intonation to be the Narrator. Yazid Yahya also got the award. He became the best actor of Stonecutter male version. Jantan sangattttt..Kate kooooo..xnak lah gtau award ape yang kitorang dapat..sangat berharga gehtooo…

 The Stonecutter session

The Third Day

Arghhhhhh!!!liatnyer nak bangun..malas nak g kelas..dah lah Yazid Yahya berdengkor sepanjang masa..ekon pula xde..aiyooooo…Having breakfast, then we’ve been given the  Pre-Test..Oh god...dah lah baru nak belajar..dah kena test dah..the first question is about Tom..and bla, bla, bla.. the last question requsted us  to create an email and I think we’ve done something good that can be proud of. How about the result? Hahahahahaha..teruk laaa..macam xpenah blajo kat sekolah jew leh salah banyak..After that we’ve learned about the direction. So, the keyword such as go through, across, between, left hand side and right hand side, turn left and right, opposite, move out, come out, last junction, beside etc. Kalau orang yang dah pandai senang jew..kekadang aku dengar ada yang bagi salah informasi..pastu bila semak jawapan..xngam langsong..ade pula yang xpuas ngan aktiviti ni..leh pulak tambah nama tempat seperti KFC, The Mall, Pizza Hut dan macam-macam lagi..

 Got 3 Stars gaytohhhhh

At the end of the day. Finally, the big project is there. The project is about this:
“You have to entertain some of your delegates and make some programme for them. You have to plan and give them briefing what they should do, not to do and whatever. The programme should be a journey and travel to somewhere else.

For examples:

Let say the delegates (Navi) coming from Pandora. Then they come to Malaysia for some reasons. Until then, as a travel agency you have to plan and bring them to the three interesting places in Malaysia. Let’s take Kuala Lumpur is the main place and the 3 places are KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Bird Park and National Museum. What should we do now?

1.      Tell them the tentative of programme
2.      Give them information about the places
3.      Tell them what should they do or not to do

Tak ingatlah nama kumpulan hehe..

The Last day

Like Yesterday..arghhhh malasnyer nak bangunnnn..Yazid masih tak berubah ngan dengkoran turbo itew..having breakfast and back to class..Now the last day of the course..sampai je kelas terus kene wat Post-test..heyyyy!!!Guess what? Test yg hari tu laaa..saje la tu Ms. Alby nak uji kitorang punye kemampuan berfikir..bagi soalan same..bla, bla, bla…mengarut, mencharot dan segala meng..akhirnya..The big project is now here! Did you remember what the GARDENIA group done before?mmmm don’t remember erkkk? Let me say the word…She’s in the first practical actually..ingat tak?haaaa kan dah ingat.. 

 Mr. Attitude..Nsem kan.. | Dah macam Dr. Rozmey pon ada..Jus Mate5 gehtooo

Ok that’s it for now..bubyeeeeee..
Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! Kursus Grammar for better Communication and Writing