"We have been told not to joke and this is why I feel the Maharaja Lawak programme should be stopped and better replaced by Nik Abdul Aziz's lectures," he said when asking a supplementary question at the Kelantan state assembly in Kota Darul Naim, here today.
"We have made several applications to the central government, but our applications were rejected and as an alternative we use Internet broadcasts to reach the public," he said.
He said Kelantan, through the State Secretariat, will launch its own web television and radio next month to allow the people to watch and listen to news from Kelantan.
Earlier, Abdul Rahman also expressed his disappointment that many television programmes on Kelatan portrayed the state negatively. Meanwhile, Datuk Md Alwi Che Ahmad (BN-Kok Lanas) was disappointed that the Kelantan government seemed ungrateful despite the central government assisting local authorities in increasing infrastructure.
"Whether they realise it or not, the central government has helped local authorities in Kelantan by disbursing about RM106 million since last year to build infrastructure such as roads and drainage," he added.