PMS Automech Racing Team Raih Tempat Ke-5!

Politeknik Muadzam Shah telah berjaya mencatat kedudukan di tempat ke-5 dari 36 jentera yang dipertandingkan merangkumi 24 institusi pendidikan IPTA dan IPTS seluruh Malaysia.

Pelajar Politeknik Muadzam Shah Cipta E-Tajwid Untuk Android!

Boleh dikatakan terdapat pelbagai aplikasi bercorak pembelajaran agama untuk para pengguna Android, dan salah satunya adalah aplikasi E-Tajwid untuk Android.

Pekan Sungai Lembing Bakal Bandar Pelancongan!

"Pekan Sungai Lembing Bakal Bandar Pelancongan" berjaya memasuki ruangan Berita Harian pada 22 Mac 2013 yang lalu.

Program Imam Muda Musim 1 Politeknik Muadzam Shah!

Sekalung tahniah kepada penganjur program yang begitu bermanfaat ini.

Malam Sejuta Bintang PMS Berlangsung Meriah!

Malam Sejuta Bintang Berlangsung Meriah

Betol-betol Hangat! geoDefense For Windows Phone Available Now!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Memandangkan aku ni salah seorang pemilik HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7..aku ada berita baik untuk yang dahulunya ada kat Iphone sekarang dah come out untuk versi Windows Phone 7..


geoDefense WP7 xBox Live Achievements

  • Easy Start (1 point): Beat any of the easy levels.
  • Beat Easy (2 points): Win each of the easy levels.
  • Easy Owned (10 points): Beat every easy level without losing a life on any..
  • Medium Start (5 points): Win any of the medium levels.
  • Beat Medium (10 points): Beat 10 Medium levels.
  • Medium Owned (30 points): Beat 10 Medium level without losing a single life!.
  • Hard Start (7 points): Beat any hard level.
  • Beat Hard (15 points): Beat 10 Hard levels.
  • Hard Owned (85 points): Beat 10 Hard levels without losing a single life!.
  • Green Machine (5 points): Upgrade a Blaster Tower to level 7.
  • Blue Thunder (5 points): Upgrade a Laser Tower to Level 7.
  • Red Menace (5 points): Upgrade a Missile Tower to Level 7.
  • Shocking And Awe (5 points): Upgrade a Shock Tower to Level 7.
  • Flux Vortex (5 points): Upgrade a Vortex Tower to Level 7.
  • Close Call (5 points): Score a x50 Multiplier Bonus from any Creep.
  • Turret Happy (5 points): Place one of each Turret on a level that supports all five Turrets.

Source: Smashpop

Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! geoDefense For Windows Phone Available Now!

Betol-betol Hangat! Apple iMessage vs BlackBerry Messenger(BBM)

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Korang dah tahu kan sal OS terbaru Syarikat Apple..iOS 5! Setelah beberapa minggu launched di seluruh dunia..kini OS ini semakin menjadi bualan ramai..apa kata kita tengok perbandingan yang dibuat antara iMessages (apps terbaru iOS 5) dengan BlackBerry Messenger atau BBM..pastu korang buatlah keputusan mana lagi best yer...

Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Hangat! Apple iMessage vs BlackBerry Messenger(BBM)

Betol-betol Kagum! Jepun Sebelum dan Selepas Tsunami

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Kalau Malaysia ataupun negara lain kene Tsunami aku tak tahu lah leh ke tak buat macam Negara Jepun..Efisien sangat kalau bab wat keje ni..korang tau tak yang baru-baru ni Jepun dilanda Tsunami?Korang rasa dorg leh perbaiki tak kemusnahan yang berlaku dalam masa yang singkat?mesti korang tak percaya kan..selepas 3 bulan dilanda Tsunami..meh kita lihat apa yang berlaku kat negara Jepun..
A residential area being hit by the tsunami in Natori, Miyagi prefecture (top) and the same area, with only one house remaining on June 3 (bottom)

A view of earthquake and tsunami-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture on March 15, top, and the same area pictured on June 3

Local residents walking through debris on a street in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, to get water 48 hours after the disaster, top, and the same area on June 3 where a large tank and a damaged house on the left side of the street have been cleared away

A ship swept away by the raging torrents lies among other debris on March 12, left, while a man on a bicycle pedals past a pedestrian on the same road June 4, 2011 in Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, north-eastern Japan

A burnt pickup truck lies among debris swept away by the tsunami
Marguerites are in bloom along a cleared street corner in the same area

Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Kagum! Jepun Sebelum dan Selepas Tsunami

Betol-betol Sakit! Serius Ngeri!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Memandangkan Blog Serius pon amik dari satu sumber yang lain sal entri aku pon nak kongsikan jugaklah entri ngeri sume sebab nak Pecahkan Rekod Dunia Tindikan terbanyak. Kalau korang tengok kompom sakit kat belakang, kat tangan..terasa ke"ngilu"annya..
Staysha Randall has attempted to break the world record of 3,100 piercings for a title of "Most Body Piercings in a Single Sitting." The piercings took place at Inktoxicated Tattoos in Las Vegas, Nevada. She initially wanted to go for 3,600 piercing, however, after she got 3,200 piercing she changed her mind and thought it was enough for her. The record is still awaiting verification by Guinness to be official.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut..moh ke sini:
Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Sakit! Serius Ngeri!

Betol-betol Sweet! Marriage Proposal Paling Sweet!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Tak nak cakap banyak..just nak kongsi sesuatooo ngan korang..tengok jela video ni yer..sesuatooo sangat!!!

Sila baca selanjutnyaBetol-betol Sweet! Marriage Proposal Paling Sweet!
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