Wow..setelah 2 bulan berblog..akhirnya aku dah jadi ahli Glitterati..selepas pelbagai technical problem melanda..ape pown..thank Nuffnang kerana telah menyelesaikan masalah yang BBH hadapi..korang memang terbaek tak sabar rasanya menanti impak Glitterati ni...
Nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut sal Glitterati? baca kat bawah ni yer:
What is an “Exclusive Nuffnanger”??
An “Exclusive Nuffnanger” is a Nuffnang blogger who has NO advertisements from, mentions of, or links to other ad networks originating from SEA, or any ad networks we deem as competitors on his/her blog.
How do I apply for the Nuffnang Glitterati club?
You do not need to apply, and will be automatically included as a Nuffnang Glitterati as long as you do NOT have any advertisements from, mentions of, or links to other ad networks originating from SEA, or any other ad networks we deem a competitors on your blog. Our crawlers will automatically include your blog in the club within 4 days.
Note that if an advertisement from, or a link to a competing network is placed on your blog at any time, our crawlers will detect it within 4 days and you will automatically be removed from the club.