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Program Imam Muda Musim 1 Politeknik Muadzam Shah!
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Showing posts with label Bonnie Wright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bonnie Wright. Show all posts
Home » Posts filed under Bonnie Wright
Betol-betol Hangat! Harry Potter Stars Transform (Bonnie Wright)
Oleh Kaki Wayang on
Bonnie Wright went from Ron Weasley's adorable younger sister Ginny, to the love interest of Hogwarts's Golden Boy. She and Radcliffe shared their first on-screen kiss in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. "It was a little hard to kiss someone you've known that long, and also on top of that in front of all the cast and crew," Wright told Entertainment Weekly of the scene. "But that was a scene a lot of people were looking forward to, and we're both actors. I think it went well!" Gone are the days of playful ponchos and cowboy boots. These days, Wright sticks to chic dresses and trendy heels. In April, the actress was engaged to boyfriend Jamie Campbell Bower, who appeared as young Gellert Grindelwald in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and Caius Volturi in Breaking Dawn.