Edisi Simpati! Susulan Kisah Rara Zikry (Zarith Nadhira Binti Mohamad Zikri)

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Untuk tujuan perkongsian dan kepada yang mengikuti kisahnya..entri ini adalah susulan daripada entri aku yang lepas mengenai Rara Zikry..dan entri ini aku copy secara bulat-bulat dan dengan kebenaran pihak Dhiya Fariza..

Text from Dhiya Fariza:

Assalamualaikum my dear fortunate readers who are blessed with all the perfect health there is given by The Almighty Allah S.W.T (Alhamdulillah) There are a lot of questions pondering inside my head when I saw a picture of this very lovely young lady posted by one of us bloggers few days ago. What happened to her, why is she sick, who is she even. As I scroll down the internet, opening through one section after another, I came to realise that she is actually a cousin of a friend of mine who has been under an illness that none of us could have imagine. I can still recall the very first moment I came across a picture of her, smiling vividly, beautifully, how I wish to see that again, now.

Her name is Zarith Nadhira, daughter of uncle Mohamad Zikri known as Rara is a Limkokwing student majoring in interior design. She is under an illness called Hypoxic Encephalophaty. From what I learned in medical school, the meaning of : 

Hypo : Less
Oxia : Oxygen
Encephalo : Brain
Pathy : Disorder

Thus conclude us with a condition named Brain Disorder due to Less of Oxygen. Or a condition in which brain tissue is deprived of oxygen and there is global loss of function. The longer brain cells lack oxygen, the more damage occurs. Rara was cut off from any oxygen for about 7 minutes, right after she fainted causing her to be under state of coma.

More on what causes her to have this :

Revive method had to be done on her, and Alhamdulillah her heart started to beat again. The sad things is the fees has now reached more than 100 thousands and she is not covered by any insurance.

Here me out :

If the brain lacked oxygen for only a very brief period of time, a coma may be reversible and the person may have a full or partial return of function. Some patients recover many functions, but have abnormal movements such as twitching or jerking, called myoclonus. Seizures may sometimes occur, and may be continuous. Most people who make a full recovery were only briefly unconscious. Complications of cerebral hypoxia include a prolonged vegetative state. This means the person may have basic life functions such as breathing, blood pressure, sleep-wake cycle, and eye opening, but the person is not alert and does not respond to his or her surroundings.

Now that you know her, now that you are aware of what's happening to her I need you to think, consider, in one brief moment, what would do? what if it was you? A sister of mine, 5 years older than me, when she was born, she was incubated for quite sometime. Several minutes before she was born perfectly as a baby at that time, the Doctor gave my dad an option, whether should he saved my mother or my sister. My Dad couldn't answer. What if she died? What if my mother died?

In pregnancy, the fetus may develop hypoxic encephalopathy if blood supply from the placenta is compromised. Placenta abruptio and placenta previa are two situations that occur in the third trimester leading to fetal distress. Difficulties during the delivery, for example when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus' neck, may cause distress and compromise oxygen delivery to its brain.

I'm about to give some donation to her family, tonight inshaAllah. like her mother said, apa-apa sumbangan, dari segi apa sekalipun, walaupun DOA sekalipun, kita mensyukuri. Assalamualaikum, selamat beramal. 

Sekian petikan dari Dhiya Fariza..kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut sila terus ke Blog Dhiya Fariza..

P/s: Sama-sama lah kita berdoa yer..tak mampu bagi sumbangan..sumbangkan doa agar Rara Zikry cepat sembuh...




Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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