Edisi Pelajar SPM! Tips Ulangkaji: Present Perfect Continuous Tense!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on



Present Perfect Continuous Tense

This tense is usually a connection with the present or now. There are basically 2 uses for the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

When to Use:
  1. Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk about an action that started in the past and stopped recently. There is usually a result now.
    1. I am tired because I have been running.
    2. Why is the grass wet? Has it been raining?
    3. You don’t understand at because you have not been listening to the teacher.
  2. Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk about an action that started in the past and is continuing now. This is often used with for or since.
    1. I have been reading for 3 hours. (I am still reading now.)
    2. How long have you been learning English? (You are still studying now.)
    3. She has not been smoking. (And she is not smoking now.)

For and since are often used with the Present Perfect Tense, too.
  • For is used to talk about a period of time.
    - 5 minutes, 7 weeks, 10 years
  • Since is used to talk about a point in past time.
    - 8 o’clock, 20th January, Tuesday
  1. I have not been feeling well for 2 weeks.
  2. She has not been visiting us since February.
  3. My sister has been watching TV since 5 o’clock in the evening.
  4. Daddy and mummy have been talking for 3 hours. 
Kesalahan BAHASA
  1. Sherry has not been visited us since February (Wrong)
    Sherry has not been visiting us since February. (Correct)
  2. They have been talking since 3 hours. (Wrong)
    They have been talking for 3 hours. (Correct) 

Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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