Edisi Pelajar PMR! Tips Ulangkaji: Reflexive And Emphatic Pronouns!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on



Reflexive pronouns are used to point back to the person who did the action.
Example: He hurt himself while fixing the pipes.
Emphatic pronouns are used to emphasize a noun or pronoun.
Example: We cooked the food ourselves.
         She herself broke the vase.
Reflexive and emphatic pronouns can be used to show the following:
(a) gender
masculine - himself
feminine - herself
neuter - itself
(b) person
First - myself
Second - yourselves, yourself
Third - himself, herself, itself, themselves
Example: The students enjoyed themselves at the party. (Reflexive)
           The students themselves decorated the class. (Emphatic)
(c) number
Singular - myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
Plural - ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Example: They taught themselves Cantonese. (Reflexive)
         You yourself were so careless in the examination. (Emphatic)

Kesalahan BAHASA

1. All the students went to the stadium by ourselves. (Wrong)
All the students went to the stadium by themselves. (Correct)

2. She paid for the drink himself. (Wrong )
She paid for the drink herself. (Correct)

Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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