
Ini adalah mesej 'UGUTAN BUNUH' kepada Saiful Bukhari yang serius menurut si Saiful. Mungkin Saiful juga terlupa bahawa dia pernah mengugut seorang blogger kerana telah meletakkan gambar adik beliau di akaun Friendsternya.
Oh ya! masa ini facebook belum popular..
Kepada Saiful Bukhari...ingatkah lagi mesej ini..
Ia bertarikh 7/12/2008..
(Klik imej utk lebih jelas)
Kepada yang ingin tahu kisah sebenar mengapa Saiful Bukhari mengUGUT BUNUH dengan MEMECAHKAN KEPALA blogger ini..
Baca kronologi di bawah:
I just shocked, when i opened my message in friendster account, today, "a killing note" appear in my message from my friendster's friends, saiful bukhari (perhaps, u know him?? , he accused anwar sodomized his butt), in the killing note, he warned me that he will "broke" my head if i'm not remove his sister pic... oh my god!! are u serious saiful??
this is the message he sent to me :
i just put her sister pic at my friendster default ..well, i have no
intention to do anything, i just admire his sister, thats all, she's
really pretty on my eyes..
same like i put maya karin picture, all, my girl..friends.picture. in my friendster's album... so you should not worry saiful, believe me, i've no intention at all to disturb you and ur sister.... just my hobby to be different than others.. :-)... i'm sorry ok..
this is the chronology of my dialogue with him.
I reply that message:
He reply my message to print his message, i dont know is it dia faham, beza print screen and print..
so, i pun decide untuk print screen his message and spread into internet, blog and forum..bukannya untuk memalukannya, tetapi supaya, saiful, yang mungkin mempunyai "bayang belakang tabir", tidak meneruskan niatnya to broke my head.. let people know, if something happen to me, saiful is the only one, who should involve in that...
then, i think dia tahu, message ugutannya telah disiarkan di beberapa laman web seperti tranungkite , cari forum, ainisazreen n bermacam2 lagi, he sent this message to me..
well i consider, everything just silap faham sahaja.. and this is my fault :-), who start first..i really want to said sorry to saiful..n this is my last message.
I just shock, someone who should be "slow" and "lembik", are very garang dan kasar tutur bahasa di message pertamanya.. I just think again, isk, kalau garang dan kasar macam ni, boleh ke DSAI liwat..??
Jadi bagaimana??
Perlukah Saiful Bukhari dibuat laporan Polis untuk mendakwanya atas tuduhan ugutan bunuh?!
Selesai membaca kiriman di atas, saya membuat
kesimpulan yang sama dengan pengirim asal kiriman di atas: "Ganas
& garang" juga mangsa liwat warga emas berusia 60 tahun ini, sampai
nak pecahkan kepala orang. Ini suatu ugutan untuk mencederakan orang
(boleh juga jadi ugutan bunuh - pecah kepala). Jika benarlah apa-apa
yang dipautkan di atas, keganasan & kegarangan yang ditunjukkan
oleh mangsa liwat itu merupakan responsnya terhadap orang yang
menampalkan gambar adiknya di laman friendster.
Logiknya, bagaimana pemuda yang
"garang dan ganas" ini boleh menjadi mangsa liwat warga emas berusia 60
tahun? Sedangkan pemuda yang berusia lebih kurang dengan umurnya pun
dia boleh "ugut" sedemikian rupa, masakan mudah dia menyerahkan
punggungnya/juburnya kepada warga emas berusia 60 tahun? Buat kali yang
entah ke berapa, mulut saya mengeluarkan
kata-kata...pelik...pelik..pelik...! Woi, saya tidak tuduh apa-apa, saya
hanya membuat persoalan!
Saya petik semula kiriman dari blog Niamah yang turut dipautkan dalam blog ini,
iaitu tentang komennya berkaitan dengan pengakuan mangsa liwat
tersebut ketika memberikan keterangan di mahkamah. Jelas, mangsa liwat
yang "ganas dan garang" seperti yang ditonjolkan dalam kiriman di atas
berubah sifat menjadi penakut dan lembik. Pertahankan gambar adik
sampai hendak pecahkan kepala orang, pertahankan punggung/jubur
sendiri...anda boleh baca di bawah ini. Buat kali yang entah ke berapa,
mulut saya mengeluarkan kata-kata pelik...pelik...pelik...! Woi,
sekali lagi, saya tidak tuduh apa-apa, saya hanya menimbulkan
[Niamah] Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, who took the stand at the High Court as the prosecution’s first witness, testified that when he first met Anwar at a condominium in Damansara Heights in 2008, the PKR de facto leader had asked him: “Can I **** you today?”
Wah! Anwar must have really been horny that day. Meeting a stranger and right away, "Can I FUCK you today?"
Saiful’s use of the profanity was greeted by sniggers and murmurs from those in the public gallery.
Well at least some people in the courtroom have a sense of humour or more likely they were tickled at hearing the word FUCK which is so often misused and misunderstood. And banned.
When asked by the prosecution about his immediate reaction to the request by Anwar, Saiful replied that at that point of time he felt “angry and scared.”
Okay, quite natural to feel that way. Of course, if somebody you met for the first time asked to fuck your ass wouldn't you get angry?
“I was angry and scared.. I refused to do so, to which Anwar became angry,” said Saiful.Very good.
The complainant also alleged that the former deputy prime minister had offered him money in exchange for the sexual act, to which he also “refused”.
Good. Any God-fearing man would have done the same. Well done!
“I repeated what I had said and told him that I cannot bear to do it.”
Okay, okay we get the point. Thank you.
Anwar had then “ordered” him to proceed to the guest room where Saiful then stripped and donned a towel before the opposition leader hugged him.
Huh? Hahahahaha...you got to be kidding me. Right? After being angry and scared and refusing payment from the man you then proceed to the bedroom and strip down to a towel? Man! How scared were you? Not enough to protect your ass I guess.
Kredit: Dunia Caca Marba