Betol-betol Sengal! Alex Chang Perlekeh AZAN dikumandangkan!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Apa pendapat korang kalau ada manusia yang tak respect agama sesama kita? Apa pula pendapat korang bila ada orang yang mempersoalkan kenapa Azan dikumandangkan pada waktu makan (berbuka puasa) di mana-mana outlet ataupun food court? Apa pula pendapat korang bila, orang itu seperti tidak mengjormati agama lain?

Kejap tadi..sempat berblogwalking kat Yahoo..mencari berita-berita terkini untuk dimuatkan dalam entri edisi 22 Ogos 2011 kat Blog Betol-betol Hangat! ni.. akhirnya jumpa jugak..cerita sal, si Alex Chang yang mempersoalkan kenapa Azan dimainkan di outlet McD pada waktu berbuka puasa..

Bila manusia tak bergaul rapat dengan masyarakat dan tak tahu kenapa dan mengapa Azan itu dimainkan pada waktu berbuka puasa..macam inilah jadinya..tak menghormati agama langsung..kalau korang pegi kat laman yahoo tu..habis satu dunia (Malay, Chinese and Indian) kutuk mamat sorang ni..kalau ikutkan hati aku pun nak kutuk jugak..tapi sebab bulan puasa aku kenalah kawal diri aku kan..

Rasanya perkara ini terjadi kat Outlet McD Singapore kot..mengikut sumber yang didapati itu..Meh kit abaca sedikit kisahnya yang kini mendapat kritikan hebat dari semua kaum..
The man known as Alex Chang, sparked off the debate after 
he questioned why fast-food giant McDonald's play Muslim

He had asked why the fast food giant's outlets are playing the Muslim prayers during  dinner time at its restaurants. "Can I request to play Buddhism chant on Vesak Day? Please advice," he asked sarcastically. While he was identified as a SingTel employee, it was uncertain how this came to light. Chang also did not state the McDonald's outlet which he was referring to. SingTel could not be reached when contacted by Yahoo! Singapore.

His remarks on the issue drew a few comments explaining that the reason could be Muslims are breaking their fast. In response, Chang said, "Not trying to be disrespectful. But a bit irritating during dinner time. Not respecting other religion(s) at all."

"By the way, can you tolerate if they play Buddhist chime in the restaurant?" he added.

Posting a statement on its Facebook page on Friday, the fast food chain stressed that it respects all races and religions equally, adding that it had to remove some posts from its wall.

"We hope everyone understands that we've had to remove a number of wall posts on our page. We encourage all our Facebook fans to be respectful to one another," it said.

Two hours after McDonald's posted the statement, Chang issued an apology for his comments, saying that it was not meant to be "racist".

"I would like to apologise for the comment that was posted on the McDonald's website. It was not meant to be a racist remark which has offended so many people including our Malay friends. Sorry for my ignorance," he said.

Meanwhile in a separate statement on its Facebook page, SingTel emphasised that it is an "equal opportunity employer" and has a diverse and multicultural workforce.

"We have clear company values and guidelines and do not tolerate discrimination. We expect our employees to be personally responsible for the content of their personal posts online.

"We are disappointed that an employee recently posted comments that were seen to be inappropriate and we are counselling him," it said.


P/s: Lain kali jangan celupar yerrr..

Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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