Betol-betol Hangat! Astro B.yond TV Guide on your Android mobile!

Oleh Kaki Wayang on


Kalau korang rasa mahal sangat ASTRO VIEW (Astro guide) yang korang dapat tiap bulan kata korang download je ASTRO Byond TV guide ni dan terus install kat mobile korang..Android sajooo occay..


TV. Your Time. Your Way. Recording On The Go.
The Astro B.yond TV Guide is an app that allows you to check the latest Astro TV schedule and use your PVR to record your favourite programmes straight from your mobile.

To make a PVR recording, register at and follow the simple on screen instructions to link your website and Astro account together. Login to the app using that account then select a channel by  browsing the different categories or by using the search function. Once a channel is selected, a new menu will appear showing you the programmes you can record. You can also jump to the programme listings of different days using the tabs above the screen.

It’s the convenience of recording what you want, when you want, on the go. Install and get from here:
Get it here

Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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