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Oleh Kaki Wayang on

Cuba korang baca sedikit sedutan petikan dari Mr. Yahoo yang baru aku dapat ni...

The Bugatti Veyron is a modern automotive legend. The sleek speedster boasts a top speed of over 260mph, making it the fastest road-legal car in the world, and it has a stunningly large $1.5 million price tag to match. Because of this astronomical cost of entry, only a few hundred of the vehicles have ever been built, meaning your chances of owning one are rather slim. That is, unless you're Mike Duff, an ambitious 25-year-old from Florida who decided to build his very own Bugatti with his bare hand..

Pastu korang tengok kereta ni..perghhhhhh..mantop siottt..

Mengenai Penulis:

Kaki Wayang mula terlibat dan serius dalam dunia penulisan kreatif sejak tahun 2006. Beliau juga terlibat dalam penciptaan lagu dan lirik lagu Nasyid dan pernah menjulang nama Politeknik Muadzam Shah apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Lagu-lagu Patriotik di PNM, Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007.

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